Spatial Proteogenomics


Spatial Proteogenomics is the field of research that enables scientists to yield comprehensive coverage of RNA and Protein within a single tissue sample. This complete picture of biology within a cell provides unparalleled insights into the processes that control transcription, translation and target turnover resulting in better characterization of tissue samples. Simultaneous, multimodal detection of these targets from the same sample results in the most accurate, complete snapshot of your biological samples.


Current methods for studying the whole transcriptome with co-detection of protein are complex, inefficient, and often rely on merging datasets collected from different platforms with different detection chemistries. With the correlation between RNA and protein being known to be poor and often changing depending on the gene and tissue being analyzed, these impacts are often compounded when researchers perform Spatial Proteogenomics.

Simplify your Spatial Proteogenomic workflow with multimodal, co-detection of RNA and Protein from the same tissue section slide on GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler (DSP). Combine the GeoMx RNA Assays and GeoMx Protein Assays to gain a complete picture of your biology all the way from transcription to protein activation.

GeoMx RNA and Protein Assays leverage photocleavable oligonucleotide tags resulting in true digital counts obtained for your Spatial Proteogenomic assays on GeoMx DSP.

The GeoMx Whole Transcriptome Atlas (WTA) provides an unbiased view of 18,000+ protein-coding genes. With additional coverage of hundreds of protein targets, GeoMx Protein Assays offer deeper characterization within the biological regions that matter most.

Related Resources

Product Bulletin GeoMx Human Whole Transcriptome Atlas – Product Bulletin
Product Bulletin GeoMx Cancer Transcriptome Atlas (CTA) – Product Bulletin
Product Bulletin GeoMx Human Protein Assays for NGS – Product Bulletin
Brochure/eBook GeoMx DSP – Brochure