Species: Mouse

April 17, 2024 / JID Innov

  • Eddy K, Gupta K, Eddin MN, Marinaro C, Putta S, Sauer JM Jr, Chaly A, Freeman KB, Pelletier JC, Fateeva A, Furmanski P, Silk AW, Reitz AB, Zloza A, Chen S
Previous work done by our laboratory described the use of an immunocompetent spontaneous melanoma-prone mouse model, TGS (TG-3/SKH-1), to evaluate treatment outcomes using inhibitors of glutamatergic signaling and immune checkpoint…

  • PDF (3.15 MB)
Lung adenocarcinoma is one of the leading causes of cancer-related mortality. One of the most frequently occurring mutations in lung cancer is KRAS mutations. Recent development of chemical inhibitors that…
February 5, 2024 / Gastroenterology

  • Aney KJ, Jeong WJ, Vallejo AF, Burdziak C, Chen E, Wang A, Koak P, Wise K, Jensen K, Pe'er D, Dougan SK, Martelotto L, Nissim S
Background & aims: Acinar cells produce digestive enzymes that impede transcriptomic characterization of the exocrine pancreas. Thus, single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) studies of the pancreas underrepresent acinar cells relative to histological…
January 25, 2024 / Sci Rep

  • Krishnan A, Ozturk NB, Cutshaw KA, Guicciardi ME, Kitagataya T, Olson KE, Pavelko KD, Sherman W, Wixom AQ, Jalan-Sakrikar N, Baez-Faria M, Gutierrez F, Gores GJ
Ductular reactive (DR) cells exacerbate cholestatic liver injury and fibrosis. Herein, we posit that tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) emanates from recruited macrophages and restrains DR cell expansion, thereby…
January 24, 2024 / Hepatology

  • Wang Y, Wang X, Bai B, Shaha A, He X, He Y, Ye Z, Shah VH, Kang N
Background and aims: TGFβ1 induces hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation into metastasis-promoting cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), but how the process is fueled remains incompletely understood. We studied metabolic reprograming induced by…
January 18, 2024 / JID Innovations

  • Eddy K, Kajal Gupta, Mohamad Naser Eddin, Christina Marinaro, Sanjana Putta, John Sauer, Anna Chaly, Katie B. Freeman, Jeffrey C. Pelletier, Anna Fateeva, Philip Furmanski, Ann W. Silk, Allen B. Reitz, Andrew Zloza, Suzie Chen
Previous work done by our lab described the use of an immunocompetent spontaneous melanoma-prone mouse model, TGS (TG-3/SKH-1) to evaluate treatment outcomes using inhibitors of glutamatergic signaling and immune checkpoint…
December 22, 2023 / Clin Transl Med

  • Uddin MH, Al‐Hallak MN, Khan HY, Aboukameel A, Li Y, Bannoura SF, Dyson G, Kim S, Mzannar Y, Azar I, Odisho T, Mohamed A, Landesman Y, Kim S, Beydoun R, Mohammad RM, Philip PA, Shields AF, Azmi AS
Background: The majority of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients experience disease progression while on treatment with gemcitabine and nanoparticle albumin‐bound (nab)‐paclitaxel (GemPac) necessitating the need for a more effective treatment…
November 30, 2023 / Nat Immunol

  • Lee A, Floyd K, Wu S, Fang Z, Tan TK, Froggatt HM, Powers JM, Leist SR, Gully KL, Hubbard ML, Li C, Hui H, Scoville D, Ruggiero AD, Liang Y, Pavenko A, Lujan V, Baric RS, Nolan GP, Arunachalam PS, Suthar MS, Pulendran B
November 25, 2023 / Commun Biol

  • Lancaster JJ, Grijalva A, Fink J, Ref J, Daugherty S, Whitman S, Fox K, Gorman G, Lancaster LD, Avery R, Acharya T, McArthur A, Strom J, Pierce MK, Moukabary T, Borgstrom M, Benson D, Mangiola M, Pandey AC, Zile MR, Bradshaw A, Koevary JW, Goldman S
There are nearly 65 million people with chronic heart failure (CHF) globally, with no treatment directed at the pathologic cause of the disease, the loss of functioning cardiomyocytes. We have…